Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
For more than ten years, Les Héritiers [The Heirs] restaurant in Montreal, which specializes in French cuisine made from Quebecois ingredients, has been concocting dishes like risotto with marinated ginger and rack of lamb with garlic and rosemary sauce. But the food isn’t the only reason for the popularity of Les Héritiers: you can bring your own wine!
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Ever heard of a pleurotte mushroom? Lacking as we are in mushroom expertise, neither had we—until we visited the kitchen of Les Héritiers, that is! What’s better than getting to watch a scrumptious dish of pleurottes, brie, escargots, and garlic, all together in a puffed pastry, be prepared before your eyes? Getting to eat it, of course!
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
This video takes us to Chinon to discover the creations of Cameroonian designer Lamyne M. His exhibition features three-meter-high dresses honoring the female sovereigns of France. He adds his own personal touch to the dresses, inspired by his travels around the world.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
René-Marc Cohen, a very fine artisan, will show us how to upholster a squat armchair, "un fauteuil crapaud" (literally a "toad armchair").
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Patricia brings to life Baudelaire's famous poem "L'horloge" (The Clock). The poet laments the passage of time and life's inevitable conclusion: death. Aside from the gloomy message, this poem is also an invitation to seize the day and enjoy all that life has to offer, including this poem!
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Patricia recites one of Jean de La Fontaine's most famous fables, "La Cigale et la Fourmi" (The Cicada and the Ant). After spending the entire summer singing instead of storing food, the cicada is starving come winter. She hopes her neighbor the ant can help her....
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Learn all about olives with this olive merchant from Nice. This lovely store, "La Maison de l'Olive," has all kinds of olive delicacies from the region and across the Mediterranean basin. Did you know that the olive groves (oliveraies) in the Nice region were planted by the Greeks?
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
What's the difference between tapenade and olive paste? What needs to be done to olives to make them consumable? Find out in this video!
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Socca is a simple dish that you can only find in Nice. A local family business has been serving this delicious, filling pastry made of garbanzo beans for generations. If you're passing through, don't forget to stop by and try it!
Difficulty: Advanced
France None
Bertrand Baraudou manages a contemporary art gallery located in the heart of Nice called Espace à Vendre (Space for Sale). Beautiful paintings are exhibited across three different locations.
Difficulty: Advanced
France None
Maude Maris is a thirty-seven-year-old artist whose work could be described as hyperrealist. She combines photographic impressions with sculpture by layering colors and paint to create a three-dimensional effect.
Difficulty: Advanced
We Are The Painters is a duo of artists, Nicolas Beaumelle and Aurélien Porte, who rework classical subjects such as landscapes and the Madonna in their experimental approach to painting. Their recent exhibit in Nice was spread over three locations.
Difficulty: Advanced
The Espace à Vendre (Space for Sale) gallery in Nice recently presented Karine Rougier's exhibition "Les sables mouvants" (Quicksand). Rougier is an artist who works with various media, including ancient engravings, postcards, and even rocks.
Difficulty: Advanced
Karine explains her creative process and her techniques. She works with wood, rocks, old postcards, stamps, and much else. The result is a mix of surreal creations that will intrigue the eye and puzzle the mind.
Difficulty: Advanced
Karine Rougier invited several artists to participate in her exhibition revolving around the poem "Heart Piece" by Heiner Müller. All the paintings and sculptures are linked together by a common theme, as she explains in this video.
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