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Pages: 42 of 65 
─ Videos: 616-630 of 974 Totaling 49 hours 29 minutes

TV8 Mont Blanc - Un réveillon en montagne (Savoie) View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


For New Year's Eve, come join the mountain people of the Savoie region at the O’Communailles restaurant where good local food is being served with a twist in a convivial atmosphere. Then watch the happy locals dance the night away.

Grand Lille TV - Focus: la tradition de Saint-Nicolas View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


In keeping with northern European traditions, Saint Nicholas visits local French schools to bring good cheer and some treats! Luckily, his partner Père Fouettard, who usually hands out coal to naughty children, is away looking after his sick donkey today.

LCM - "Cher Père Noël..." View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Twenty-one thousand letters to Santa Claus were sent this year in Marseille. As if he didn't have enough on his plate, Saint Nick will send a handwritten response to each one, as long as their senders are on his "nice" list (and indicated their return address)!

Alsace 20 - Ouverture du marché de Noël de Colmar View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Despite the cold weather, people are flocking to the opening of the Colmar Christmas market in Alsace. In this video, tourists talk shopping and vendors explain why they like to work at the Christmas market.

Alsace 20 - Grand sapin de Strasbourg: tout un art pour le décorer! View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


It takes a lot to decorate the 31-meter high Christmas tree on Strasbourg's Place Kléber: ten technicians, two bucket lifts, 75 thousand lights. Luckily, the operation is being managed by Antoinette Pfimlin, who has 20 years of experience decorating giant trees in a hard hat.

TLT Toulouse - Noël: Les fêtes approchent! View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


What is the French traditional holiday fare? You'd be surprised... While the classic turkey with chestnut stuffing is still on the menu, some people are getting off the beaten track, pairing classic dishes with ethnic food. Foie gras samosas, anyone? Or how about imitation caviar truffles?

Il était une fois: Notre Terre - 25. Technologies - Part 6 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


A group of smart young people found revolutionary ways to solve our planet's woes. Electronic books, Internet mail and much more...

Duel - Vertigo View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Viewer Discretion Advised

Enjoy Duel's spooky new single "Vertigo," set against a particularly impassioned, vengeful scene from an old film. It will definitely give you the chills!

Salon Eco Habitat - Primacalc, système anti-calcaire View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


A Primacalc representative introduces a revolutionary eco-friendly device that softens hard water. The device can be installed by a savvy handyman or a plumber.

Cap 24 - Les cyclistes parisiens sont-ils indisciplinés ? View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Viewer Discretion Advised

Rumor has it that Parisians bicyclists are undisciplined. Is this true? Allessandro Di Sarno is out on the streets of Paris to find out for himself and carries out his own humorous inquiry...

Il était une fois: Notre Terre - 25. Technologies - Part 5 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Modern technology comes to the rescue! Planet Earth has a chance of recovering from man-made pollution.

TLT Toulouse - Musique : Le dub à l’honneur View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


The Musée des Abattoirs (Slaughterhouse Museum) in Toulouse devoted an entire exhibition to dub music, a subgenre of reggae. The exhibition featured a selection of Jamaican-style sound systems and culminated in a big dub concert.

Joanna - La Place Stanislas View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Joanna and Caroline take us to the northern French city of Nancy in Lorraine. They'll show you around the beautiful Place Stanislas, classified as a World Heritage Site, and the famous Daum crystal studio. A beautiful art piece might set you back a few thousand euros... Be sure to bring your check book or your credit card!

Il était une fois: Notre Terre - 25. Technologies - Part 4 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Technology not only helps clean up our planet, but also allows us to explore the entire universe. According to the astrophysicist Alfred Vidal-Madjar, in five hundred years, we will have visited all the planets in the solar system.

Salon Eco Habitat - Terres cuites de Courboissy View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


At the Eco Habitat salon, Olivier Brunet from the "Terres Cuites de Courboissy" (Courboissy Terracotta) tile factory explains how they make floor tiles that are both eco-friendly and pleasing to the eye. One of their clients even had his floor tiles made to look three dimensional!

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