Difficulty: Beginner
It took two hundred years to standardize French spelling before it could be taught in schools using a method called la dictée (dictation), in which a student writes out the words he or she hears. As a matter of fact, this is the exact same principle behind Yabla's Scribe game!
Difficulty: Beginner
Patricia delves into the festival of la Chandeleur, or Candlemas, which takes place on the second of February. In France, la Chandeleur is traditionally celebrated by eating crêpes.
Difficulty: Beginner
Come visit the neighborhood of Vieux Nice (Old Nice), with its charming village atmosphere and interesting architecture. You will notice a definite Italian influence in this French city near the Italian border.
Difficulty: Beginner
Sometimes numbers like cent (hundred) and quatre-vingts (eighty) take an S at the end, but other times they don't. Others, like mille (thousand), never take one. Sophie and Patrice explain these and other rules of writing numbers in French in this video.
Difficulty: Beginner
Patricia explains in detail the tradition of the galette des rois (kings' cake), which predates Christianity. The tradition is linked to a Roman pagan celebration called Saturnalia, during which a lucky slave was crowned "king" for the day.
Difficulty: Beginner
Patricia discusses the galette des rois (kings' cake), a classic holiday delicacy associated with the festival of Epiphany. A small figurine is placed inside the cake, and whoever finds it in his or her slice is crowned "king" or "queen" for the day.
Difficulty: Beginner
Patricia explains the difference between ne pas encore (not yet) and jamais (never), the two negative forms of déjà (already, ever). Ne pas encore applies to actions that are limited in time, while jamais applies to actions that aren't.
Difficulty: Beginner
Patricia explains the use of déjà and ne pas encore in French. Déjà means "yet" or "already," depending on context. In the negative, déjà becomes ne pas encore (not yet).
Difficulty: Beginner
Patricia concludes her lesson on negation with a discussion of phrases using sans (without), double negation, and negation in the imperative mood.
Difficulty: Beginner
In part three of this series on negation, Patricia demonstrates the use of adverbs of frequency in the affirmative and in the negative form. Some changes are required with some adverbs.
Difficulty: Beginner
In the second part of this series on negation, you will learn the negative forms rien ne... (nothing), ne... aucun(e) (not any), and ne... nulle part (nowhere). We hope you will be feeling more positive about these negatives!
Difficulty: Beginner
In the first part of this series on negation, you will learn how to use the formula ne... ni... ni (neither... nor... nor) to construct a negative sentence in French.
Difficulty: Beginner
In the second part of this lesson on ne plus and aussi, you will learn another meaning of aussi. In addition to "also," it can mean "therefore" or "so."
Difficulty: Beginner
In part two of her lesson on elisions, Patricia will help you navigate the rules of elisions with multiple examples. They're an essential part of French speech that will no longer be a mystery!
Difficulty: Beginner
Patricia explains the use of aussi (also) and non plus (neither). Non plus is the negative form of aussi.
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