Difficulty: Advanced
L'Espace à Vendre gallery had an exhibition of works by Lucien Murat, who juxtaposes a wide range of materials on top of salvaged tapestries.
Difficulty: Beginner
Enjoy the classic tale Le Petit Chaperon rouge (Little Red Riding Hood), as told by Patricia.
Difficulty: Beginner
The original version of Le Petit Chaperon rouge, written by Charles Perrault, has a more gruesome ending than the one you might be familiar with. Patricia concludes the tale in this video.
Difficulty: Beginner
Patricia introduces the famous French animated series Il était une fois (Once Upon a Time), which follows a time-traveling family through the high points of human civilization and into the future. We have several episodes available on Yabla, which you can find here, and more coming soon!
Difficulty: Beginner
Patricia recites a famous poem by Jacques Prévert called "Barbara." The poem is set in Brest, a town that was devastated by German bombs in the Second World War.
Difficulty: Newbie
Patricia explains the basic principles of French numbers and their usage, and shares a few grammatical points.
Difficulty: Newbie
In part two of her lesson on numbers, Patricia counts from 41 to 100 in French. Be prepared to do some arithmetic!
Difficulty: Beginner
Patricia reads "À une passante" (To a Passerby), a classic poem from Charles Baudelaire's collection Les Fleurs du mal (The Flowers of Evil).
Difficulty: Beginner
Humanity has always dreamed of flying through the air. That dream was made possible with the arrival of the zeppelin at the end of the nineteenth century.
Difficulty: Beginner
Patricia discusses the various ways zeppelins were used in the twentieth century, as well as what led to their downfall.
Difficulty: Beginner
In centuries past, when a person's honor was offended, he would challenge the culprit to a duel. The last duel in France took place as recently as 1967, between two respected politicians!
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
René-Marc Cohen, a very fine artisan, will show us how to upholster a squat armchair, "un fauteuil crapaud" (literally a "toad armchair").
Difficulty: Intermediate
Did you know there are 55,000 different kinds of beer? And more than 5,400 of those are German? You can find quite a few of these at Le Village de la Bière, a shop in popular French city Strasbourg. How long would it take to sample them all…?
Difficulty: Intermediate
Laws in Strasbourg prevent Le Village de la Bière from selling beer for consumption on the premises, but they don’t stop this beer seller from being passionate about his craft.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Lea takes us on a mini tour of Cour Saint-Émilion in the twelfth arrondissement in Paris. Named for the wine that used to be sold there, the Cour Saint-Émilion has suffered fires and floods but was rebuilt a few times and is now a lovely open-air shopping complex.
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