Difficulty: Beginner
Leïa talks about the port, the boats, and the feral cats that lurk about the shore. She also explains a trick for remembering the words for "port" and "starboard" in French.
Difficulty: Beginner
Leïa lives in the town of Saint-Pierre in Réunion. She will show you around and tell you about all the fun activities that are available.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Leïa explains that she is very fortunate to have a lot of family around her. She is close to her aunties and grandparents and spends a lot of time with them.
Difficulty: Newbie
Leïa is not thrilled about doing the dishes. Who invented doing the dishes anyway? Take this opportunity to refresh your kitchen utensil vocabulary!
Difficulty: Beginner
Leïa tells us what she is having for breakfast and lists some other popular options.
Difficulty: Beginner
France, Réunion
Leïa and Asma live in Réunion, where you're never far from the beach. Unfortunately, Leïa doesn't have time to go the beach after school, unlike Asma, who was allowed to go only after she finished her homework.
Difficulty: Intermediate
What do you do if the restaurant you're eating at doesn't accept checks? Watch this conversation to learn some great vocabulary about paying in a restaurant.
Difficulty: Beginner
Leïa and Philippe are enjoying a winter day in the Parc Montsouris in Paris. It's a place where all kinds of people come to relax from their daily stresses.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
For more than ten years, Les Héritiers [The Heirs] restaurant in Montreal, which specializes in French cuisine made from Quebecois ingredients, has been concocting dishes like risotto with marinated ginger and rack of lamb with garlic and rosemary sauce. But the food isn’t the only reason for the popularity of Les Héritiers: you can bring your own wine!
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Ever heard of a pleurotte mushroom? Lacking as we are in mushroom expertise, neither had we—until we visited the kitchen of Les Héritiers, that is! What’s better than getting to watch a scrumptious dish of pleurottes, brie, escargots, and garlic, all together in a puffed pastry, be prepared before your eyes? Getting to eat it, of course!
Difficulty: Intermediate
Hélène and Célia tell us about their musical influences, origins, and inspiration. When they encountered prejudice about Africa and Africans upon coming back to France, Les Nubians used music to paint a truer picture of African culture.
Difficulty: Intermediate
What can multilingualism bring you? It sheds light, penetrates cultures, and gives off an emotional echo. In this clip, Les Nubians remind us of all the reasons we should be glad we’re using Yabla French!
Difficulty: Intermediate
Meet Les Nubians, two singer-songwriter sisters who grew up in both Paris and Chad and whose music has been nominated for several awards, including a Grammy (and not just in the World Music category, thank you very much). We know we’re big fans!
Difficulty: Intermediate
We’re all a part of this big, happy family that is humanity. Now if only we could get our “universal citizen” passports…
Difficulty: Beginner
Fénétrange is a medieval town near the German border that was once the site of dungeons and witch hunts. But don't let that keep you from visiting: Lionel will be there to show you around this charming little village.
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