Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Over the summer, wanting a light lunch, Lionel made some cheese-filled crêpes. They turned out much heavier than he expected, but they were delicious nonetheless.
Difficulty: Beginner
J.B. made a simple Greek salad while Lionel was sleeping. All the main ingredients are from Greece, except for the Crimean black tomatoes.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Tired of stuffy old grammar exercises in text books? Come along with Lionel and learn something about the use of gender in French. This one’s fun, we promise — and no boring rules to memorize!
Difficulty: Intermediate
Lionel shows us that sometimes there are better things to do than stay all day in an office building to pay rent for an apartment we can’t even spend time in. (And yes, the word “travail” really is related to the word “torture.”) Remember, the revolution starts with you!
Difficulty: Intermediate
According to Lionel, we hear far too much about Charlie Hebdo and not enough about Le Canard Enchaîné, which is about to celebrate its centenary in 2016. This quality satirical newspaper is in a similar vein to Charlie Hebdo. Both papers even shared the same cartoonist, Cabu, who sadly did not survive the January attack on Charlie Hebdo. Le Canard Enchaîné was no stranger to extremist threats either.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Lionel L introduces a new social phenomenon called "Nuit Debout" ("Up All Night" or "Rise Up Night"). It's a protest movement born from a general discontent regarding politics, labor laws, and other issues. At 6 p.m. every day, people take to the streets of Paris to discuss ideas and air their grievances. The movement is gathering momentum in other cities and countries as well.
Difficulty: Beginner
In part two of "Nuit Debout" (Up All Night), Lionel explains how protesters gather every night at Place de la République in Paris to think of alternative politics for a better world. The "Nuit Debout" movement has its own coded language and even its own calendar!
Difficulty: Beginner
Lionel concludes his series on Nuit Debout. The protest movement, expressing discontent with politics in general, is spreading. Lawyers have joined the fight, and the attitudes of the media and politicians toward the movement are slowly shifting.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Lionel shows us some ephemeral art in Paris, including an anamorphic installation on the Louvre Pyramid and a large steel sculpture with a cardboard "cave" inside. Check them out before they're gone!
Difficulty: Intermediate
Lionel gives us the latest updates on France's Nuit Debout protest movement. Though the movement is no longer centered around Paris's Place de la République, it's still gaining traction online.
Difficulty: Intermediate
While the Rio Olympic Games were taking place, the Paris Mayor's Office installed a beach volleyball court complete with real sand in front of the city hall building. Parisians relished the opportunity to practice a sport that is not readily available in the heart of the city.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Every year, a portion of Paris turns into a miniature beach where people of all ages can play games and bask in the sun.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
During the summer, a portion of Paris reinvents itself as "Paris-Plage" [Paris Beach]. The capital turns into a vacation spot by providing water access and outdoor activities near the Seine and other waterways like the Canal de l'Ourcq.
Difficulty: Intermediate
The Paris mayor's office set up an outdoor exhibition at the Bastille recounting events that took place on the site of the famous prison. Most people know that the Bastille was stormed during the French Revolution of 1789, but not many people are aware of other important events that took place before and after the Revolution.
Difficulty: Intermediate
The Canard Enchaîné (Chained Duck) recently celebrated its 100-year anniversary. The independent satirical newspaper, known for its shocking headlines, survived many controversies and even censorship. It still has an avid fanbase today.
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