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Pages: 97 of 146 
─ Videos: 1441-1455 of 2177 Totaling 113 hours 36 minutes

TV Tours - Des œufs rares et exceptionnels View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


In the town of Tours, the annual International Decorated Egg Exhibition takes place just before Easter and features some exquisite creations. Artists from all over Europe gather to show and sell their beautifully decorated eggs. Some include traditional designs taught by masters from Ukraine while incorporating their own ideas at the same time.

Oldelaf - interprète "Bérénice" View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Oldelaf's "Bérénice" is a beautiful love song with a somewhat tragic (but very comical!) ending. You'll both laugh at and be moved by Oldelaf's poetic language and soulful crooning.

Télésonne - Micro-trottoir : Comment manifester sa gentillesse? View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


In this "Micro-trottoir" series, people share the best ways of showing kindness. Smiling and making sure to greet people with a smile, it seems, is a universal language. Kindness is an art.

Il était une fois: Les découvreurs - 13. Stephenson - Part 6 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


This next part of the Il était une fois series on George Stephenson deals with the Rainhill Trials, a competition that determined what kind of trains (steam engines or locomotives) would be used on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway.

Lionel - à la ferme View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate


Lionel shows us around a family farm that spans three generations. This traditional dairy and cattle farm takes good care of its animals, which enjoy a special "cow wash." Nursing cows are allowed a break from milk production prior to calving, and nothing is left to chance as the sex of the newborn calf is predetermined thanks to artificial insemination.

Voyage dans Paris - Le Petit Tokyo View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


In this episode, Daniel Benchimol takes us to Paris's second arrondissement to discover "Little Tokyo," a tiny neighborhood that has the highest number of Japanese restaurants in the city. Daniel also walks us through the Sainte-Anne covered passageway, one of Paris's many gorgeous glass-canopied walkways.

Watt’s In - Indila : Dernière Danse Interview Exlu View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Indila, a French singer whose first single "Dernière Danse" (Last Dance) topped the chart in 2013, talks about her debut as a singer. She felt more comfortable as a writer and composer of melodies and only recently started singing onstage.

Il était une fois: Les découvreurs - 13. Stephenson - Part 5 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


The future of the railroad depends on whether George Stephenson's locomotive, 38 cars long, will run or not. The local townspeople debate whether it will go full speed ahead or not budge at all due to its size.

Zaz - Eblouie par la nuit View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


The thirty-four-year-old singer Zaz made her debut in 2010 (after singing on the streets of Paris for a while, like her famous predecessor, Edith Piaf). Her single "Eblouie par la nuit" (Blinded by the Night) was hugely successful and is sure to dazzle you too.

Manif de la semaine - Anti pub, Anti écran

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate


In a convivial atmosphere, complete with brass bands and good humor, Parisians gather in the streets to have fun and raise awareness about the proliferation of electronic adverstising in the subways. A new citizen movement is spreading throughout France: anyone can join the ranks of "Les Reposeurs" [Redecorators], a group of protesters armed with kraft paper, markers, and whiteboard paint to write anti-advertising messages on posters and billboards.

Cap 24 - Alessandro di Sarno se met au point de croix View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate


If you're a crafty person, consider attending the "Salon des métiers et activités de la création" (Jobs and Creative Activities Trade Show), which features a large number of hands-on workshops related to fine arts, framing, needlework, and more. In this video, Alessandro interviews a workshop instructor who explains an interesting sewing technique called the counted cross-stitch.

Voyage dans Paris - La Petite Alsace View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


In this video, Daniel Benchimol takes us to Paris's thirteenth arrondissement, where you can discover an area known as "La Petite Alsace" (Little Alsace) and enjoy the best butter croissants in the Paris region!

Joanna - La course à pied: Conseils View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate


You'll learn some very useful information about running in this video—from what to wear to how to plan a run according to your own physical abilities. It's all about maintaining a "cardiopulmonary balance" and gradually working up to faster speeds and longer distances without over-exerting yourself. Take a break from your French studies and go for a nice jog!

Il était une fois: Les découvreurs - 13. Stephenson - Part 4 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


George Stephenson tries out his invention, a steam locomotive. He allows his son, Robert, to ride on it as long as he stays on the edge of the carriage and gets ready to jump off if the rails buckle under the weight of the locomotive... which they do. Luckily his son followed his instructions!

Maître Gims - Zombie View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


In his song "Zombie," Maître Gims wants to wake up from his Zombie state and take charge of his destiny by removing the chains that hold him back: warding off the darkness, confusion, and paranoia surrounding his life.

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