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Pages: 102 of 146 
─ Videos: 1516-1530 of 2177 Totaling 113 hours 36 minutes

Le Figaro - Fabriquer un masque fait maison sans couture View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Advanced Advanced


In this video, you will learn how to make a protective mask in a matter of minutes using fabric and material found around the house. No sewing required!

Le Figaro - À quoi ressemble le déconfinement dans le métro parisien View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Advanced Advanced


This video shows us what the Paris metro system looked like the day after the lockdown ended. Social distancing in a crowded train is proving to be quite difficult...

Le Figaro - Les cinq scènes historiquement fausses du «Napoléon» de Ridley Scott - Part 1 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Advanced Advanced


Director Ridley Scott's recently released movie Napoleon was never intended to be historically accurate. Find out where the movie departs from the facts.

Le Figaro - Les cinq scènes historiquement fausses du «Napoléon» de Ridley Scott - Part 2 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Advanced Advanced


In part 2 of this review of Ridley Scott's Napoleon, we learn why Napoleon really left the island of Elba and how he dealt with the death of his wife Josephine.

Le Figaro - Recette du gibier (chevreuil) époque Louis XIV, au restaurant Ducasse View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Treat yourself to a delicious venison dish, a very ancient recipe dating from the 17th century. The chef uses old-fashioned fruits and vegetables and also adapts the recipe to suit more modern tastes.

Le Dessous des Cartes - Nouvelle-Calédonie : la révolte des indépendantistes

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


In 2024, New Caledonia is still looking for sustainable solutions to its political and socio-economic challenges. Watch this video to better understand the ongoing conflict between the territory's pro-independence and anti-independence factions.

LCM - AIEJE: La mer, ça se respecte View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate


The Association Initiatives et Éducation de la Jeunesse à l’Environnement (AIEJE) uses the French Riviera as a training ground for the cultivation of young “eco-citizens.” What better place to learn more about the environment than in one of France’s most gorgeous spots?

LCM - Joyeux Noël... orthodoxe! View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


In the wake of a deadly terrorist attack on a Coptic church in Alexandria, Egypt on New Year’s Day, many Coptic Christians are worried about celebrating Christmas (observed on January 6) as openly as they would like. Here is how a gorgeous Coptic church in Marseille is handling the situation.

LCM - Recette: Crêpes View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Advanced Advanced


Listen to the crazy banter on the set as Annette demonstrates the art of crêpe making.

LCM - Concert: La Folia à l'abbaye Saint-Victor View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate


The teenage violist Valentin Tournet plays an excerpt from Marin Marais' "Folies d'Espagne" (Follies of Spain) in this interview. He talks about the folia, an early music theme from Spain, as well as the passion for music he developed at a very young age.

LCM - Visite du marché de Noël de Marseille View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


A traditional Provençal Christmas would not be complete without the Santons Festival. In Marseille, you can wander through the downtown market and marvel at these Christmas clay figurines and enjoy the true spirit of Christmas.

LCM - Rétine argentique, le paradis des photographes View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Advanced Advanced


A new photography studio in Marseille combines traditional and contemporary printing techniques to make beautiful photos. It's a great spot for both amateurs and professionals alike!

LCM - IAM fait son retour en force! View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate


The Marseille-based rap group IAM is back after a six-year hiatus with their new album, Arts Martiens (Martian Arts), which is already topping the charts in France. Check out a preview of their song "Notre Dame veille" (Our Lady Watches) in this video.

LCM - "Cher Père Noël..." View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Twenty-one thousand letters to Santa Claus were sent this year in Marseille. As if he didn't have enough on his plate, Saint Nick will send a handwritten response to each one, as long as their senders are on his "nice" list (and indicated their return address)!

LCM - Le champagne parfait pour Nouvel An! View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


There's no better time to break out the bubbly than to celebrate the New Year. In this video, you will learn all about champagne, including how bubbles occur in a glass.

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