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Aurélien et Automne Oreo fait maison - Partie 1


1)  Why does Aurélien put protective wrap over the batter?

  • to prevent it from drying out
  • to keep it fresh
  • to seal in the flavor
  • to prevent it from separating

2)  What does Automne use to mix the batter?

  • a mixer
  • a spoon
  • a blender
  • a whisk

3)  What utensil does Aurélien describe as "essential"?

  • the whisk
  • the mixer
  • the spoon
  • the sieve

4)  What are the first three ingredients listed in the recipe?

  • unsweetened cocoa powder, sugar, eggs
  • flour, unsweetened cocoa powder, melted butter
  • flour, unsweetened cocoa powder, sugar
  • flour, unsweetened cocoa powder, eggs

5)  Where does the batter sit for an hour?

  • in the oven
  • in the freezer
  • on the counter
  • in the refrigerator