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Lionel L Les élections présidentielles: Mode d'emploi


1)  How long after the first round does the second round take place?

  • one week
  • one month
  • three weeks
  • two weeks

2)  How many signatures does a candidate need to run?

  • 50
  • 500
  • 100
  • 200

3)  Who is eligible to run in the second round?

  • the top two candidates
  • the top four candidates
  • the top three candidates
  • the top five candidates

4)  According to Éric Zemmour, all of France's problems stem from what?

  • the right
  • immigration
  • the left
  • the environment

5)  Who is the Republican candidate?

  • Jean-Luc Mélenchon
  • Emmanuel Macron
  • Anne Hidalgo
  • Valérie Pécresse