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The Sainte-Chappelle on Paris's Île de la Cité is best known for its magnificent stained glass windows, which were designed primarily as an instructional tool to teach the illiterate about the Bible.
The village of Liverdun has an interesting fountain with a huge underground reservoir that collects water from the nearby Moselle River. In the Middle Ages, people used the religious statues on the...
Amal and Caroline are sitting in front the Louvre Museum and its famous glass pyramid. Once controversial, the pyramid is now considered one of the museum's finest works of art.
In this video, Lionel will explain how the French presidential elections work and who the 2022 candidates are.
Louis is asking Anna for a favor, but she doesn't have time to help. She has too much taf (travail à faire).
Enjoy another walk through the fields with pig brothers Piggeldy and Frédéric. This time Piggeldy wants to know what bees are.