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─ Videos: 1-15 of 113 Totaling 3 hours 57 minutes

Actu Vingtième - La burqa View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Interviewees on the streets of Paris protest the banning of the burqa in public places in France and offer their perspectives on this controversial issue.

Alsace 20 - Rammstein à Strasbourg View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


German metal band Rammstein has no shortage of fans. Listen to devotees describe just what it is that makes the band compelling enough to sell out ten thousand tickets in just two days.

Alsace 20 - Arlette Grosskost et la burqa View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Arlette Grosskost, UMP (Union for a Popular Movement) representative and member of the Parliamentary task force on the burqa in France, advocates a law aiming to ban the wearing of the full-body veil in public. What’s your take on this controversial issue? Is it a question of women’s rights? Of religious freedom? Are arguments against the burqa perhaps another type of veil—to cover up underlying racism?

Alsace 20 - Météo des Maquilleurs View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Who doesn’t like a little fun makeup artistry with their morning weather report? Adèle lets us know what to expect weather-wise on Halloween, and gives us some costume inspiration too!

Angers 7 - Un lama en plein appartement

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


How would you feel about a llama walking around in your apartment? Nathalie and François love their friend Indira, even though she sometimes steals their bags of chips.

BFMTV - Les amoureux se pressent au village de Saint-Valentin View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


The village of Saint-Valentin lives up to its name, as it is an attraction for couples from all over the country on Valentine's Day. People come to get a special lovers' certificate issued by the mayor himself.

Festival du cinéma chinois - Coup d'envoi à Richelieu

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


The town of Richelieu, named for the famous cardinal, organized a Chinese film festival. Already twinned with the Chinese town of Wuzhen, the town took an opportunity to celebrate both classic and newly released films from that country. The famous French director Claude Lelouch was the "godfather" of this initiative.

France 24 - Réchauffement climatique : un danger pour le vin français - Part 1 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


How will climate change affect wine growing in France? Is the French wine reputation at stake? What can be done about it? Find out in this extensive news report.

France 24 - Les Champs-Élysées s'illuminent pour Noël en plein confinement View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


The Champs-Élysées will still take on a festive air despite the quarantine and lack of crowds. Many lovers of the city of Paris were able to attend the virtual lighting ceremony online from anywhere in the world.

France 24 - En Turquie, des miracles se produisent encore View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Four days after the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria, miracles are still possible. Search and rescue teams work tirelessly to save people trapped under the rubble.

France 3 - Les conséquences de la crise du beurre View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Faced with a butter shortage in France, this bakery is among the few that are choosing to wait in hopes that the price of butter will drop. Apparently, customers are too fond of the bakery's delicious pastries to let a price increase deter them. After all, pastries are one of life's essentials in France...

France 3 Grand Est - Soigner avec les animaux View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Meet Nathalie, the owner of an equestrian center where no one rides horses. Find out what is so special about the horses and the other animals that live there.

Grand Corps Malade - Je suis Charlie View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


In "Je suis Charlie" (I Am Charlie), Fabien Marsaud a.k.a. Grand Corps Malade commemorates the victims of the devastating attack on the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo. As the slam poet notes, "I prefer to pick up a pen because tonight I am Charlie."

Grand Lille TV - Sondage: le voile intégral View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


These brief interviews on the streets of Lille were conducted in order to test the waters of the tricky dispute over the banning of burqa-wearing in public.

Grand Lille TV - Un piano dans le métro! View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


The Lille Piano Festival is taking place in a subway station, where pianists bring music to the train commuters for their enjoyment and perhaps a gentle introduction to jazz and classical music.

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