Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
A reporter interviews people on the street about their dreams. The interviewees candidly share their dreams, from the classic chase nightmares to voluptuous dreams of skinny dipping in a fountain of chocolate.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
The French Socialist Party held its second Fête de la rose (Rose Festival) in June 2011, thirty-three years after its first. The festival was filled with games and speeches (and cotton candy), in preparation for the French primary elections.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Let's talk about love! People share their insights on what love really is. Is it infatuation, self-sacrifice, an adventure, or a journey?
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Who says that old people don’t know how to party? This event, organized by a local Lions Club, brought together a number of senior citizens for a day of dancing, schmoozing, and even romance.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
A vide-grenier (“empty-attic”) is a combination of a flea market and a yard sale: a place where anyone can rent a booth and sell all the old things they don’t need anymore. Come see what the residents of this Parisian neighborhood are selling!
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
It’s common to see photos of celebrities aged forty and up happily pregnant or pushing a pram. But according to most doctors, a woman’s chances of conceiving drop dramatically after age thirty-eight or so. Of course there are exceptions. Modern medical fertility treatments allowed a sixty-six-year-old Romanian woman to give birth to twins in 2005. But unless we’re willing and able to procure such treatments, which can be financially, emotionally, and physically draining, those who want to wait until their forties to have kids will have to take their chances.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Cannabis use amongst French youth has more than doubled in the past ten years, and some parents are blaming it for their children’s erratic behavior. Specialists say that even moderate daily use can have detrimental effects on schoolwork.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Workers for the power company in the city of Lille aren’t happy and want management to know it. So they sabotaged the grid, cutting off power to thousands of businesses and residences. Despite the inconvenience, the mayor, and even many residents, support the workers.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Though we reported that some of the residents of Lille support the power workers and their blackout strikes, it turns out that not all of them do. Office workers shout from balconies to give the strikers a piece of their minds, and the workers respond in kind.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Public transport has not always been easy for those who use wheelchairs, but the SNCF (French National Railway Company) has been making changes that make for a much more pleasant trip.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Marianne is the symbol of the French Republic and has roots in the revolution of 1789. But are French mayors ready to represent the France of today with a Marianne of color?
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
In France, one is registered to vote automatically upon reaching voting age.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Sophie tells Patrice about the mistake that France made during the France-Albania soccer match in 2019, when they played the wrong national anthem.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Marion explains to Simon what she does to help the homeless. She is a volunteer for an organization called Les Restos du Cœur (Restaurants of the Heart), which offers provisions to unhoused and food-insecure people.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Patrice and Sophie discuss the recent government decision to ban students from wearing abayas in schools, since they're considered a religious symbol.
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