Difficulty: Newbie
Sophie and Edmée discuss what they like and dislike about bananas.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
The fresh information uncovered by the prosecution casts doubts on Ms. Leroux's integrity. But so far, it's all circumstantial evidence.
Difficulty: Beginner
Sacha is very excited about attending a press event at work, involving a certain American movie star. Who could that be?
Difficulty: Intermediate
Lionel is with Roger in the town of Domrémy, the birthplace of Joan of Arc. You will discover the statue of the three saints who spoke to Joan at the age of thirteen and a half, as legend has it.
Difficulty: Beginner
Patrice and Sophie discuss astrology. You will learn the twelve zodiac signs in French, and even a forgotten thirteenth one!
Difficulty: Intermediate
Daniel Benchimol takes us to Médan, a small town to the north of Paris. In addition to a few fifteenth-century landmarks, this town attracted famous poets and writers. Among those writers was Émile Zola, although in this video, he's featured in another capacity that might surprise you.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
As the trial progresses, it becomes clear that there's another side to this story. Baptiste's mother drove her husband away with her violent temper. What else might be going on behind the scenes?
Difficulty: Beginner
Annie has turned into an animal rescue activist who smuggles animals into Nico's apartment in the middle of the night.
Difficulty: Beginner
Edmée and Fanny discuss which presidential candidate they might vote for in the upcoming elections in April. One of them is considering giving Macron another chance as he wasn't able to accomplish everything during his term due to the health crisis and other unforeseen circumstances.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Cyril and Lionel end our visit to the citadel by showing us where the officers of the garrison slept. And why not take them up on their invitation to visit the citadel in person during your future travels?
Difficulty: Beginner
Patrice and Sophie discuss the war in Ukraine and the consequences of the sanctions and trade embargo for the Russian people.
Difficulty: Newbie
Play with Nathalie and Guillaume and try to find out the answers to these riddles.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Florence Leroux cannot explain the disappearance of Baptiste's money. Everything incriminates her so far, but the judge is wary of making hasty conclusions, as there's no such thing as an ideal culprit.
Difficulty: Beginner
Sophie and Edmée are studying medicine together. They share their thoughts on what led them down that path and what lies ahead for them.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Lionel takes us to a bakery, not the modern kind, but one located beneath the citadel of Bitche. The four giant ovens could each bake five hundred rations a day to feed up to two thousand soldiers!
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