Difficulty: Newbie
Patricia goes over some of the most commonly used verbs of the first group (ending in -er). Once you learn them, try creating a story out of them!
Difficulty: Newbie
What are first-group verbs? In this video, Patricia will introduce you to the nearly 3000 verbs belonging to this category. Don't be daunted by that number—these verbs are the simplest to use!
Difficulty: Newbie
Make this final lesson on possessive pronouns yours! Listen and watch carefully to master all the nuances in sounds and spelling.
Difficulty: Newbie
In this video, Patricia introduces possessive pronouns (mine, yours, his/hers, etc.). Be sure to check out her previous videos on possessive adjectives to gain a better understanding.
Difficulty: Newbie
Patricia demonstrates how to use possessive adjectives and pronouns... using bananas!
Difficulty: Newbie
In the second part of Patricia's video on possessive adjectives, you will learn the plural adjectives and what to do when a noun starts with a vowel.
Difficulty: Newbie
In her introduction to possessive adjectives, Patricia will teach you how to say "my," "your," and "his/her" in French using some simple props.
Difficulty: Intermediate
In this lesson, you will learn the difference between homonyms, homophones, and homographs illustrated with amusing examples. Challenge yourself by repeating the words that sound the same and see if you can spell them correctly. Good luck!
Difficulty: Beginner
This video will give you an introduction to one of the most important aspects of French grammar: conjugating verbs in the present, past, and future tenses. It's full of fun and practical examples that will help you master conjugation!
Difficulty: Newbie
Lionel gives a simple, step-by-step lesson on feelings that will enable you to express a range of emotions in French. We hope that you will be happy—heureux (masculine) or heureuse (feminine)—and not too fatigué(e) (tired) by the end of class!
Difficulty: Beginner
You can count on Lionel to give you a fun and thorough introduction to numbers in French! From counting the thirteen ducks on the lake to explaining how the higher numbers are constructed, Lionel will tell you all you need to know to become an expert at French numbers.
Difficulty: Beginner
Lionel and Chantal introduce a new verb, "faire du barbecue" (to barbecue), for barbecuing and verb conjugating novices. Lionel knows how to cook two birds with one grill, so to speak. Note that the verb "faire" ("to do" or "to make") is used for just about any situation in French.
Difficulty: Beginner
Manon and Clémentine teach us all about the verb aller, "to go," from its conjugation to its many different meanings. Allons-y!
Difficulty: Beginner
Manon and Simon unravel some of the more complicated aspects of gender in French, focusing on masculine and feminine word endings. There's a lot more to it than just le and la!
Difficulty: Beginner
Our friends Sakhoura and Lily will teach you to conjugate the verb apprendre (to teach or to learn) in a variety of tenses. They also elaborate on some of the things we covered in our Yabla French lesson on liaisons.
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