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Sophie et Patrice
80 Videos

Sophie and Patrice always have a lot to talk about, from the latest political news to their favorite pastries. Listen in on their animated conversations about their life in Paris.

77 Episodes
Pages: 1 of 6 
─ Videos: 1-15 of 80 Totaling 4 hours 11 minutes

Sophie et Patrice - L'appart

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate


In this video, Patrice and Sophie pretend to be a realtor and prospective tenant looking at an apartment in Montmartre. Before they go up to the apartment, Patrice tells Sophie about the neighborhood, which she doesn't know very well.

Sophie et Patrice - Je viens de perdre mon boulot

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate


Patrice is feeling down because he lost his job under difficult and unfair circumstances. He discusses his options with Sophie, who tries her best to cheer him up.

Sophie et Patrice - Paris, c'est gris

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate


Sophie and Patrice share their impressions of Paris under a gray sky. They say that the multiple shades of gray make Paris all the more beautiful. Even the old buildings blackened by years of grime add texture and beauty, but they concede that a good clean-up is sometimes necessary.

Sophie et Patrice - La pluie

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate


Sophie and Patrice discuss the weather as they shop at the market on a miserable winter day. Sophie detests the cold and the rain whereas Patrice doesn't mind at all!

Sophie et Patrice - Les vieux à Paris

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Sophie and Patrice talk about growing old in Paris. They both agree that it's tough for the elderly in Paris and that they would rather spend their golden years somewhere else.

Sophie et Patrice - Square parisien

Difficulty: difficulty - Advanced Advanced


Patrice and Sophie have a conversation in one of the many little parks that dot the Paris landscape.

Sophie et Patrice - On m'a volé mon téléphone

Difficulty: difficulty - Advanced Advanced


Sophie is upset because someone stole her cell phone. It's not just the loss of her phone that makes her mad but the real inconvenience of losing all her contact information. Patrice has a few good suggestions for her.

Sophie et Patrice - Paris, c'est vert

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate


Patrice and Sophie rejoice in the fact that Paris is being revegetated. In an effort to combat pollution and beautify the capital, the city is giving out free plant seeds to its residents to grow in pots.

Sophie et Patrice - Le vingtième arrondissement

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate


Sophie and Patrice visit the twentieth arrondissement of Paris, a quiet, authentic neighborhood undisturbed by tourists.

Sophie et Patrice - Les endives au jambon - Part 1

Difficulty: difficulty - Advanced Advanced


Patrice gives Sophie the recipe for endives au jambon (endive with ham), a simple but filling dish he learned from his father. Try it at home!

Sophie et Patrice - Les endives au jambon - Part 2

Difficulty: difficulty - Advanced Advanced


Sophie and Patrice come up with some variations on their simple but hearty meal of endive with ham. They briefly consider opening a restaurant, but as Patrice points out, cooking for forty-five people is a lot harder than cooking for two.

Sophie et Patrice - Les madeleines

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate


Sophie shares her simple recipe for delicious, organic madeleines. Try it at home!

Sophie et Patrice - Les ombres chinoises

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate


Patrice and Sophie reminisce about playing ombres chinoises (shadow puppets) when they were little. Patrice makes some interesting observations about Eisenstein's Ivan the Terrible and Coppola's Dracula, two films that incorporate shadow puppetry.

Sophie et Patrice - Je n'ai pas beaucoup dormi

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate


Patrice is not getting enough sleep and looks a little worse for wear, but he's very philosophical about it. As Simone de Beauvoir said, "A successful life is living like an adolescent at sixty-five."

Sophie et Patrice - La maison verte

Difficulty: difficulty - Advanced Advanced


Sophie loves plants so much that she isn't averse to snipping a cutting or two from a public garden. Her interest in plants comes from her grandmother, who spent endless hours tending to her plants and even climbed trees at 95 years old!

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