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Français avec Nelly
51 Videos

In her popular series, Nelly offers expert insights into French vocabulary, grammar, and culture, and vlogs about her day-to-day life in Paris.

Pages: 1 of 1 
─ Videos: 1-2 of 2 Totaling 0 hours 7 minutes

Français avec Nelly - 12 Things to Avoid Doing When You Visit France - Part 1

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Planning a trip to France? Watch this video to learn proper French etiquette so you don't look too much like a tourist!

Français avec Nelly - 12 Things to Avoid Doing When You Visit France - Part 2

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Can you snap your fingers and say "Garçon!" to call over a waiter in Paris? Absolutely not! Check out the second part of this video on what not to do when you travel in France.

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