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Français avec Nelly
51 Videos

In her popular series, Nelly offers expert insights into French vocabulary, grammar, and culture, and vlogs about her day-to-day life in Paris.

Pages: 1 of 1 
─ Videos: 1-2 of 2 Totaling 0 hours 6 minutes

Français avec Nelly - Alternatives to "je veux" - Part 1

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


There are many ways to express wishes and desires, from a polite request (je voudrais) to a rude demand (je veux). Nelly will explain how to use the appropriate language for the situation, and give you a refresher on grammatical moods.

Français avec Nelly - Alternatives to "je veux" - Part 2

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


Nelly lists some other alternatives for expressing a desire or wish. By the end of the video, you'll be able to order in a restaurant like a pro!

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