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Sophie et Patrice
80 Videos

Sophie and Patrice always have a lot to talk about, from the latest political news to their favorite pastries. Listen in on their animated conversations about their life in Paris.

Chiffres et nombres
Pages: 1 of 1 
─ Videos: 1-2 of 2 Totaling 0 hours 7 minutes

Sophie et Patrice - Chiffres et nombres - Part 1

Difficulty: difficulty - Newbie Newbie


Sophie and Patrice introduce the basics of counting in French. They make it up to one sextillion (un trilliard), but if you're new to French, you can just focus on learning zéro to neuf.

Sophie et Patrice - Chiffres et nombres - Part 2

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


Sometimes numbers like cent (hundred) and quatre-vingts (eighty) take an S at the end, but other times they don't. Others, like mille (thousand), never take one. Sophie and Patrice explain these and other rules of writing numbers in French in this video.

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