Difficulty: Intermediate
European football matches are known for the passion they inspire in their fans. The president of the international league is thinking of banning pre-game anthems, which seem to exacerbate the situation.
Difficulty: Beginner
In the tradition of the great Jacques Cousteau, two young Frenchmen have been crisscrossing the world’s oceans documenting their most marvelous encounters in a book. But the book is not just an ode to the beauty of the deep; it is a warning about the impact humans have had on this largely unknown world.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Ten months of training go into learning to fly a helicopter, but less time is being spent aloft. More and more flight hours are logged in a hyper-realistic simulator that allows young pilots to hone their skills without ever leaving the earth.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Four hundred euros per kilo for mushrooms? As you may have heard, truffles are no ordinary fungi, and those sold in the Aups market are said to be the tastiest.
Difficulty: Beginner
New York based French chef Daniel Boulud brings his refined French culinary skills to that most typical American dish, the hamburger. Discover the secrets that make this burger the most expensive in the world.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Homelessness is difficult for anyone, but for women the dangers can be more acute and the experience even more alienating than for men.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Marianne is the symbol of the French Republic and has roots in the revolution of 1789. But are French mayors ready to represent the France of today with a Marianne of color?
Difficulty: Intermediate
Like the SATs for Americans, or A level in the UK, the baccalauréat exam, or le bac, creates more than its fair share of stress in students, especially on the day when they find out the results, the culmination of an entire school career. Students meet outside the school where exam results are posted, and share the emotion of knowing whether they and their friends succeeded or not.
Difficulty: Intermediate
France, Senegal
Youssou N’Dour, one of the world’s most beloved French-speaking musicians, hails not from France, but from Africa.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Mario has been influenced by Martinique, and he discusses what it means to represent and build upon French Caribbean rhythms on the world stage.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Mario Canonge is one of the most exciting pianists tickling today’s plastic ivories, and Yabla was lucky enough to have caught him in person.
Difficulty: Intermediate
X-Games: As though windsurfing wasn’t hard enough, they had to add a series of jump-obstacles to the race just to keep things interesting! Check out the “extreme kid” french voiceover… c’est formidable!
Difficulty: Beginner
On the French Riviera when it’s twenty-three degrees Celsius in the middle of November, some of us are tempted to head for the beach and take one final dip.
Difficulty: Adv-Intermediate
Henri Cartier-Bresson is arguably France’s most notable contribution to the world of photography.
Difficulty: Intermediate
Today’s mime is a far cry from Marcel Marceau, whose clones accost you in the park.
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