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─ Videos: 31-45 of 79 Totaling 3 hours 18 minutes

Ferme de la Croix de Pierre - Les chèvres View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


In the second episode of Ferme de la Croix de Pierre, the goat breeder gets all warm and cuddly with one of her baby goats, which become like plush toys when bottle-fed. She'll teach you all you need to know about caring for these adorable animals.

TV8 Mont Blanc - Visite de la chapelle de glace de Leysin View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


A former bobsled champion created an ice chapel in Leysin, Switzerland. As you might expect, this unusual place of worship is only available during the cold winter months. If you're interested in visiting, make sure to do it before it melts away!

Ferme de la Croix de Pierre - Les lapins View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Have you ever wondered where the wool from your luxurious angora sweater comes from? At the Ferme de la Croix, a lovely lady breeds angora rabbits and goats on her farm. She explains the shearing process and how she cares for her pets. We learn that one rabbit can yield forty balls of angora wool every hundred days. That's a lot of sweaters!

Salon Eco Habitat - Boisdicy, l'isolation écologique View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


In this video, a representative at an ecology trade show presents some innovative building materials that are eco-friendly and will allow you to save some money on your energy bills. These materials are made out of gypsum cellulose and are used for insulation.

Salon Eco Habitat - NrGaïa, la ouate de cellulose View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Our eco-friendly home show representative explains the benefits of cellulose wadding versus fiberglass, two insulation materials commonly used in houses.

Alsace 20 - Grand sapin de Strasbourg: tout un art pour le décorer! View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


It takes a lot to decorate the 31-meter high Christmas tree on Strasbourg's Place Kléber: ten technicians, two bucket lifts, 75 thousand lights. Luckily, the operation is being managed by Antoinette Pfimlin, who has 20 years of experience decorating giant trees in a hard hat.

Salon Eco Habitat - Primacalc, système anti-calcaire View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


A Primacalc representative introduces a revolutionary eco-friendly device that softens hard water. The device can be installed by a savvy handyman or a plumber.

Salon Eco Habitat - Terres cuites de Courboissy View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


At the Eco Habitat salon, Olivier Brunet from the "Terres Cuites de Courboissy" (Courboissy Terracotta) tile factory explains how they make floor tiles that are both eco-friendly and pleasing to the eye. One of their clients even had his floor tiles made to look three dimensional!

TV Tours - Un moment de pêche sur le Cher View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Whether you are a fishing enthusiast or not, hop on board Charlie's boat and listen to what he has to say. The Indre-et-Loire Federation hired him to promote fishing and help revamp the dowdy image of the fisherman by dispelling stereotypes and encouraging young people to take up the sport.

TV8 Mont Blanc - Randonnée à la cascade de Bérard View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Tourists can enjoy the Bérard waterfall in the Alps once again. At a cost of one hundred fifty thousand euros, a new footbridge leading to the waterfall and the Cave of Farinet was recently inaugurated.

Grand Lille TV - Visite des serres de Tourcoing View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


The greenhouses at the Tourcoing botanical garden contain a lot of exotic greenery, from banana trees to cacao and coffee plants. Visitors can take a guided tour of the garden to see where some of the foods they eat every day come from.

Le jus de bouleau - Recueillir la sève

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


Did you know that birch sap is a great, natural energy booster? The friendly forester in this video shows us how to tap into this delicious and healthy natural resource.

Grand Lille TV - Plantes = Air intérieur sain, une idée reçue? View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Some people believe that plants contain pollution-reducing properties. However, a study by a group of researchers in Lille debunked that theory.

Canal 32 - Le futur de l’éolien se joue dans l'Aube View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate


France's Aube department has the highest concentration of wind energy in the country, which makes it the perfect place to experiment with new wind technologies and create a model for all of Europe.

Télévision Bretagne Ouest - Lutter contre le réchauffement climatique View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


The French town of Morlaix is educating its citizens on the dangerous effects of global warming and what they can do to stop it. Their first defense against climate change: an electric bike!

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