Yabla French
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Pages: 1 of 12 
─ Videos: 1-15 of 167 Totaling 9 hours 24 minutes

Yabla à Nancy - Le masculin et le féminin View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


English speakers may find this strange, but most European languages (including French) assign a gender to every noun. So how are you supposed to know that the word for “apple” (la pomme) is feminine, but the word for “grape” (le raisin) is masculine? Practice, practice, practice!

Leçons avec Lionel - Couleurs View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Newbie Newbie


Take a class with Lionel as he teaches you colors in French. You'll even learn how to say all the different shades of blue!

Leçons avec Lionel - Avoir View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Newbie Newbie


Lionel is a true Renaissance man: not only is he a tour guide and a stand-up comedian, but he's also a teacher. In this video, he'll show you how to conjugate the verb avoir (to have) in the present indicative.

Margaux et Manon - Conjugaison du verbe faire View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


Our charming teachers, Margaux and Manon, will inflict the verb "faire" on you. They did their best to make this grammar lesson on conjugation relatively painless.

Margaux et Manon - Emplois du verbe faire View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Faire (to make or to do) is one of the most basic verbs in the French language, and it is used in a large number of expressions and idioms. Margaux and Manon give us some colorful examples of the uses of faire in this video.

Margaux et Manon - Le corbeau et le renard View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Margaux and Manon recite "The Crow and the Fox," a famous fable by the French poet Jean de La Fontaine, and explain some of the more difficult lines for us. It's a good poem to memorize to improve your French!

Margaux et Manon - Magasin de chaussures View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Margaux and Manon are playing shop. Margaux is the lucky customer buying shoes and Manon settles for second best, playing the shopkeeper. Now you're all set to go shoe shopping on your next trip to France!

Manon et Clémentine - Virelangues View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Our friends Manon and Clémentine teach us some French tongue-twisters involving birds, turtles, armadillos, and mosquitoes. Try learning them all!

Manon et Clémentine - Conjugaison du verbe être View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


To be or not to be? That is the question that our friends Manon and Clémentine address in this video on the verb être (to be). In their conjugations of the verb être, they demonstrate some of the concepts we covered in our lesson on liaisons.

Sakhoura et Lily - Conjugaison du verbe apprendre

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


Our friends Sakhoura and Lily will teach you to conjugate the verb apprendre (to teach or to learn) in a variety of tenses. They also elaborate on some of the things we covered in our Yabla French lesson on liaisons.

Manon et Simon - Le masculin et le féminin

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


Manon and Simon unravel some of the more complicated aspects of gender in French, focusing on masculine and feminine word endings. There's a lot more to it than just le and la!

Manon et Clémentine - Conjugaison du verbe aller View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


Manon and Clémentine teach us all about the verb aller, "to go," from its conjugation to its many different meanings. Allons-y!

Lionel et Chantal - "Faire barbecue" View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


Lionel and Chantal introduce a new verb, "faire du barbecue" (to barbecue), for barbecuing and verb conjugating novices. Lionel knows how to cook two birds with one grill, so to speak. Note that the verb "faire" ("to do" or "to make") is used for just about any situation in French.

Lionel - Les nombres View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


You can count on Lionel to give you a fun and thorough introduction to numbers in French! From counting the thirteen ducks on the lake to explaining how the higher numbers are constructed, Lionel will tell you all you need to know to become an expert at French numbers.

Leçons avec Lionel - Émotions View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Newbie Newbie


Lionel gives a simple, step-by-step lesson on feelings that will enable you to express a range of emotions in French. We hope that you will be happy—heureux (masculine) or heureuse (feminine)—and not too fatigué(e) (tired) by the end of class!

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