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─ Videos: 121-135 of 165 Totaling 16 hours 54 minutes

Lionel L - Le Canard enchaîné View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


According to Lionel, we hear far too much about Charlie Hebdo and not enough about Le Canard Enchaîné, which is about to celebrate its centenary in 2016. This quality satirical newspaper is in a similar vein to Charlie Hebdo. Both papers even shared the same cartoonist, Cabu, who sadly did not survive the January attack on Charlie Hebdo. Le Canard Enchaîné was no stranger to extremist threats either.

TV Vendée - Le sapin de Noël décoré par les enfants View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


La Roche-sur-Yon, a friendly town near Brittany, is abuzz with Christmas activities. Local children are busy decorating the town Christmas tree with their own personalized ornaments. Santa is there, of course, taking toy orders. The mayor is also involved and has the town hall organizing ten days of festivities.

Télé Lyon Métropole - Street art: le yarn bombing, c'est quoi? View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Audrey is a practitioner of yarn bombing, a street art movement originating from the United States. You'll find her art all over the city of Lyon. She crochets colorful pieces that she uses to cover anything that takes her fancy, from bicycle seats to lamp posts and a few statues.

Micro-Trottoirs - Qu’est ce qui vous fait vous lever le matin? View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate


Viewer Discretion Advised

What gets you up in the morning? That's the question asked of these Parisians in this video. Some answers may surprise you, amuse you, even shock you a little. Apart from basic biological reasons or urges, there are plenty of incentives for getting out of bed... some of them touching and even inspiring.

Télé Lyon Métropole - Sheldon, un robot pour vous servir! View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Meet Sheldon, the friendly robot with friendly eyes that flash little hearts when it interacts with people. Sheldon is a huge attraction at tech fairs, where it is used to entertain and delight the crowds. It certainly lives up to the task.

Grand Lille TV - Clap de fin pour la maison dite hantée View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Making the news in Grand Lille is the end of an urban legend in the town of Villeneuve D'Ascq. A house that is supposedly haunted is being torn down, along with the stories and the rumors surrounding it. The demolition of the house is fairly uneventful, but will the legend live on?

Télé Lyon Métropole - Invasion de zombie à Lyon! View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Intermediate Intermediate


Zombies from many different eras have invaded Lyon! That is, zombie enthusiasts with impressive makeup and costumes have invaded. The ninth-annual Zombie Walk has attracted around a thousand of the undead to roam across the city under the theme "a return to the past."

Micro-Trottoirs - Rêves d’enfants View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate


In this Micro-Trottoirs episode, people on the street reveal what they wanted to be when they grow up. From fireman to fairy, find out who actually fullfilled their childhood dream.

Télésonne - Micro-trottoir : Les mensonges des Essonniens View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate


Viewer Discretion Advised

Pretty much everyone has told a lie, but not everyone is as willing to confess their lies as these pedestrians in France's Essonne department. In this video, you'll hear some falsehoods that range from innocent childhood fibs to more adult-themed exaggerations.

Le Québec parle - aux Français - Part 11 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Advanced Advanced

Canada, France

Oliver concludes this eleven-part series with a visit to Fort Chambry, where French and British armies fought over new Canadian territories. How did this affect the present? Olivier leaves us to draw our own conclusions and assures us that he is fond of the Québécois as much as they are fond of him. He shares his final impressions of Quebec in a lovely song at the end.

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