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Pages: 54 of 54 
─ Videos: 796-804 of 804 Totaling 44 hours 6 minutes

Conversations au parc - Ep. 5: J'aime ce parc View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Newbie Newbie


In the park, Samuel and Anne talk about some things they like. They have a lot in common!

Un week-end à Amsterdam - Faire les valises View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Newbie Newbie


This video will give you some suggestions on what to pack for a weekend getaway. Bon voyage!

Conversations au parc - Ep. 4: Cadeaux pour un nouveau bébé View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Newbie Newbie


Samuel meets Anne and tells her about the gifts he bought for his friends' new baby and their older daughter.

Un week-end à Amsterdam - La planification du voyage View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Newbie Newbie


In this video you will learn how to plan a weekend getaway with friends. You'll also hear about some fun things to do in Amsterdam.

Conversations au parc - Ep. 3: C'est à qui ce sac à dos ? View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Newbie Newbie


Somebody left a backpack on the park bench, so Anne and Samuel go through its contents to see whom it might belong to.

Conversations au parc - Ep. 2: Café et en-cas View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Newbie Newbie


In part two of our Conversations au parc series, you'll learn how to describe things as big and small, and how to say "me too" in French.

Conversations au parc - Ep. 1: Je n'ai pas mon téléphone View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Newbie Newbie


In this beginner-level conversation, you will learn some useful vocabulary about everyday objects you might put in your bag.

Marie & Jeremy - Monopoly View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Newbie Newbie


Jeremy and Marie play a round of Monopoly. As you'll see, the game gets a little out of hand after the auction... but in any event, you'll have learned some valuable vocabulary to be able to play Monopoly in French.

Marie & Jeremy - Le gâteau aux pommes View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Newbie Newbie


Jeremy explains to Marie how to make an apple cake. But she can't quite follow the recipe....

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