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Pages: 22 of 22 
─ Videos: 316-318 of 318 Totaling 16 hours 50 minutes

Actus Quartier - Fête de quartier Python-Duvernois - Part 5 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Advanced Advanced

France, Morocco, West Africa

Viewer Discretion Advised

Our delightful young guide takes the opportunity to explain why she loves her neighborhood of Python-Duvernois. We meet some of the locals, including an aspiring Michael Schumacher and some young footballers.

Actu Vingtième - Le vide-grenier View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate


A vide-grenier (“empty-attic”) is a combination of a flea market and a yard sale: a place where anyone can rent a booth and sell all the old things they don’t need anymore. Come see what the residents of this Parisian neighborhood are selling!

Actu Vingtième - Fête du quartier Python-Duvernois View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Adv-Intermediate Adv-Intermediate

France, West Africa

The Python-Duvernois neighborhood, on the outskirts of Paris, is having its annual neighborhood fair (you can also find coverage of last year's fair here on Yabla). The locals look forward to getting together, meeting new neighbors, having fun, and eating yummy food prepared by some of the residents.

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