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Pages: 28 of 143 
─ Videos: 406-420 of 2135 Totaling 111 hours 12 minutes

Lionel - Cathédrale Saint-Étienne de Metz View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


We continue our visit to Metz with Lionel, who takes us inside the Saint-Étienne Cathedral, famous for its huge stained glass windows. After that, if you don't feel like walking, you can take the little tourist train and enjoy the sites at a leisurely pace.

Le saviez-vous? - Le romantisme français View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


It's been said that Paris is the most romantic city in the world. In this video, you will discover the origin of the word "romantic" and learn about the romanticism movement, which originated not from France as one might expect, but from England and Germany and later took hold in France.

Le saviez-vous? - D'où vient le nom de la France? View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


This video is all about the people of France, from the ancient Franks and Gauls to the present-day population, which currently numbers over sixty-six million inhabitants.

Lionel - à Metz - Part 2 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


Lionel takes us to the historic part of the city of Metz and to the Galerie Saint-Jacques, where you can browse the shops and go to restaurants. The shopping mall is located on one of the largest squares of the city, the Place Saint-Jacques.

Lionel - à Metz - Part 1 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


Lionel takes us to Metz, a city that was once part of Germany, being only some sixty kilometers from the German border. In this video you will learn a few facts about this Germanic city, and you will add a lot of useful terms to your going-about-town vocabulary.

Zaz - Je Veux View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


In her hit song "Je Veux" (I Want), Zaz lists the things she wants most in life. Instead of diamonds from Chanel or a suite at the Ritz, the singer opts for more intangible goals such as love, joy, and a good mood.

Patricia - La plage - Part 2 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


In the second installment of this video on the Côte d'Azur, our tour guide shows us around one of the area's beautiful pebble beaches, which are a favorite of the locals but not very well-known to tourists. In addition to providing endless ammunition for skipping stones on the sea, the pebbles also help break up the waves during heavy storms.

Lionel - à Wissembourg View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


Lionel takes us to the small town of Wissembourg (or "Weißenburg," since it's situated in Alsace where German is spoken as well). It boasts a beautiful church and a nice restaurant where Lionel goes to be "crowned." Another one of his signature jokes and puns await you in this video.

Patricia - La plage - Part 1 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


If you're looking for your next vacation spot, you might want to consider the beautiful Côte d'Azur, also known as the French Riviera. Whether you're into swimming, sailing, scuba diving, or just basking in la vie balnéaire (the seaside life), you'll find everything you need along France's "azure coast."

Il était une fois: Les découvreurs - 13. Stephenson - Part 7 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


This last part of the Il était une fois episode on George Stephenson deals with the Rainhill Trials, a competition that determined what kind of trains (steam engines or locomotives) would be used on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway. Stephenson proves to be the best competitor.

Voyage dans Paris - Le 10ème Arrondissement - Part 1 View Series View This Episode

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


Daniel Benchimol takes us to the tenth arrondissement to discover the Trinity Church, the "Peinture Céramique" building, and other little havens of peace in Paris. Daniel also introduces us to the Brabant Hotel and the 1950s-themed restaurant Playtime, inspired by Jacques Tati.

Joanna - Son quartier View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


Joanna is proud to show us her neighborhood. Follow her around her new apartment, her favorite bar, the pretty little garden where children love to play, and learn some useful everyday vocabulary.

Stromae - Ta Fête View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


Belgian singer-songwriter Stromae's lyricism and creativity are well on display in this video for "Ta fête," a single off his chart-topping album Racine Carrée. "Ta fête" was the official song of the Belgian Red Devils at 2014's World Cup, and Stromae had some fun preparing with the team...

Leçons de guitare - Leçon 3 View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


In guitar lesson number three of this series, it's time to learn a song now that you know how to play rhythms. The song is called "Les Mots" [The Words] by La Rue Ketanou. So pick up your guitar (if you have one) and play along while you learn a little French!

Leçons de guitare - Leçon 2 View Series

Difficulty: difficulty - Beginner Beginner


In lesson two of this series on playing guitar, Lionel will talk to you about several playing techniques to create a rhythm that he will demonstrate on his guitar.

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